Home J Young Pharm, Vol 14/Issue 2/2022 Contemporary COVID-19 Vaccines: The Science and Marketing

Contemporary COVID-19 Vaccines: The Science and Marketing

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Published on:June 2022
Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2022; 14(2):133-139
Review Article | doi:10.5530/jyp.2022.14.27

Sunil Chiplunkar1, Atul Baravkar2,*, Sukanya Paricharak2, Apeksha Masal2, Nitin Aher3

1Business Development, Group Pharmaceuticals, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA.

2Development of Agricultural, Trust’s Shardabai Pawar Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Baramati, Maharashtra, INDIA.

3Ashwin College of Pharmacy, Sangamner, Maharashtra, INDIA.


Objectives: The viral infection pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in a flurry of research in the field of immunologicals. Scientific terms like antigen, antibody and immunoglobulins have entered the lexicon of citizens. Ending the pandemic through measures such as double masking, physical distancing and lockdowns have been imposed to break the chain of COVID-19 infection transmission, however, once again it is the vaccines that have proved worthy to improve immunity and halt the march of COVID-19. Methods: The vaccination process at optimal levels is aimed at desired antibodies. The impetus provided to vaccine technology commercialization is immense. mRNA vaccines have stolen the march, however, the traditional whole virion inactivated vaccine has made a comeback, new plasmid DNA technology vaccine has made a breakthrough, nasal vaccines are being designed, and recombinant protein subunit vaccine has given new affordability; oral vaccines are in the pipeline. Conclusion: Scientists and technologists have proved their worth through innovative vaccine work. This article reviews the science and marketing of COVID-19 vaccines.

Key words: COVID-19, Digital marketing, SARS-CoV-2, Pandemic, Pharmaceutical marketing.

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