Home J Young Pharm. Vol 13, Issue 3 (Suppl), 2021 Bibliometric Study of Publications on Impact of Covid-19 and Sleep Disorders

Bibliometric Study of Publications on Impact of Covid-19 and Sleep Disorders

by [email protected]
Published on: December 2021
Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2021; 13(3s):s72-s77
Original Article | doi:10.5530/jyp.2021.13s.74

Sandeep Grover1,*, BM Gupta2, GM Mamdapur3, M Surulinathi4
1Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, INDIA.
2Formerly with CSIR-NISTADS, New Delhi, INDIA.
3Synthite Industries (P) Ltd, Kolenchery, Kerala, INDIA.
4Bharathidasan University, Department of LIS, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.


The paper examines global research output (1656 records) on “Impact of Covid-19 on Sleep Disorders”, based on publications indexed in the Scopus database. The global publications on this theme averaged 15.05 citations per paper. About 19.02% share of its total publications on this theme received external funding support and averaged 34.59 citations per paper. Ninety-five countries unevenly participated in global research output on “Impact of Covid-19 on Sleeping Disorders”, of which the top 10 most productive countries accounted for 87.62% and more than 100% share in global publications and citations. The USA, China and Italy led in global publications ranking and productivity as against China (2.52), U.K.( 2.26) and Italy (1.67) leading in terms of relative citation index. The 527 organizations and 773 authors participated in global research on this theme, with top 15 most productive organizations and authors contributing to 21.62% and 6.28% global publications share and 63.70% and 56.20% global citations share. Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China, and Tongji Medical College, China and Harvard Medical School, USA were the most productive global organizations (with 40, 38 and 33 papers) and Capital Medical University, China (153.85 and 10.22), Wuhan University, China (109.33 and 7.26) and Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, China (108.10 and 7.18) were the leading most impactful organizations in terms of citation per paper and relative citation index. Z. Liu, S. Grover and G. Wang were the most productive authors (with 9, 8 and, 8). L.Kang (395.17 and 26.26), Y. Wang (395.17 and 26.26) and, S. Ma (322.0 and 21.4) were the most impactful authors. International Journal of Environment Research & Public Health, Sleep Medicine and Frontiers in Psychiatry were the most productive journals (with 73, 69 and 49 papers). Brain, Behavior & Immunity (86.04)., Asian Journal of Psychiatry (46.78), Psychiatry Research (41.15) were the most impactful journals.

Key words: Covid-19, Impact, Sleep disorders, Global, Publications, Scientometrics, Bibliometrics