Home J Young Pharm, Vol 13/Issue 3/2021 Quality of Life Assessment of Children with Early Childhood Caries in a Brazilian City

Quality of Life Assessment of Children with Early Childhood Caries in a Brazilian City

by [email protected]
Published on:September 2021
Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2021; 13(3):270-273
Original Article | doi:10.5530/jyp.2021.13.55

Gisele Alcântara de Carvalho1, Natália de Almeida Assis Gramoza1, Lídia Audrey Rocha Valadas2,*, Edilson Martins Rodrigues Neto2, Fernanda Matias de Carvalho2, Fernanda Leal Dantas Sales Pimentel3, Patrícia Leal Dantas Lobo1,2

1Dentistry School, Federal University of Ceara- Campus Sobral, Sobral-CE, BRAZIL.

2Dentistry and Nursing School, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza-CE-BRAZIL.

3State University of Ceara, Fortaleza-CE, BRAZIL.


Objectives: The aim of the research was to investigate the impact of ECC on children’s quality of life and find out how it affects their routine, through a questionnaire applied to parents. Methods: For this assessment, the Impact Scale on Oral Health in Early Childhood (ECOIHS) have been used. The sample consisted of 150 children aged 2 to 5 years enrolled in daycare centers and public schools in the municipality of Massapê-CE-Brazil. The questionnaire was answered by parents and guardians of children diagnosed with ECC. The analysis of the questionnaire was performed using SPSS software version 17.0 and R statistics 3.2. Results: In the results, with regard to toothache and difficulty in eating and drinking, a prevalence of 85.48% was found with a statistical significance of 5%. 40.7% of family members considered themselves guilty at some level of intensity by ECC in children. Correlating family income with the financial impact of a dental problem and / or treatment, a prevalence of 96.35% was observed with a 95% confidence interval, demonstrating that the lower the family income, the greater the financial impact. Conclusion: ECC interferes with the child’s quality of life, thus negatively affecting his routine, as well as that of his family.

Key words: Quality of life, Dental caries, Pre-school, Early childhood caries, Oral hygiene.