Home J Young Pharm, Vol 10/Issue 2s/2018 Comparison of the Characteristics of Transfersomes and Protransfersomes Containing Azelaic Acid

Comparison of the Characteristics of Transfersomes and Protransfersomes Containing Azelaic Acid

by [email protected]
Published on:July/2018
Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2018; 10(2s):S11-S15
Original Article | doi:10.5530/jyp.2018.2s.3

Iskandarsyah,* Aulia Dwi Rahmi, Dwita Medya Pangesti

Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424 West Java, INDONESIA.


Objective: Recently developed agent carriers, transfersomes, which are sufficiently deformable to penetrate into or across the skin barrier. Protransfersome is the lyophilization of transfersome by removing the water system with freeze-drying method to improve the protransfersome characterizations, especially entrapment efficiency. The aim of this study was to comparethe characteristics ofazelaic acid transfersomes and protransfersomes. Method: Transfersome was prepared by thin layer hidration method. Protransfersome was prepared by freeze-drying method and trehalose as lyoprotectant. The characterizations that measured were entrapment efficiency, morphological structure, particle size, and zeta potential. Result: The result of Transfersome particel size characterization, pointed out measurement with 89,06 nm. Whereas, after freeze- drying process, Protransfersome A has 735 nm, Protransfersome B has 1218 nm, and Protransfersome C has723,1 nm. There are excalations from 40,98% of entrapment efficiency after freeze-drying process, Protransfersome A with percentage 45,20%, Protransfersome B with percentage 45,65%, and Protransfersome C with percentage 52,90%. The spheric vesicle morphology of transfersome and protransfersomes is determined by transmission electron microscope. Conclusion: Protransfersomes have a better stability in entrapment efficiency by using trehalose or no trehalose with indirect cooling rate within 4 weeks of storage period.

Key words: Azelaic acid, Entrapment afficiency, Freeze-drying, Protransfersome, Transfersome.