Published on: January 2009 Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2009; 1(1):86-89 Pharmaceutical Management | doi:10.4103/0975-1483.51877 Authors: Sonal Sekhar M, Aneesh TP, Sathianarayanan S, JinyVarghese K, Vasudevan DT, Revikumar KG Amrita School…
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Pharmaceutical Management
- Pharmaceutical ManagementJ Young Pharm, Vol 1/Issue 1/2009
Effective Tools of Pharma Counseling
by adminPublished on: January 2009 Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2009; 1(1):90-93 Pharmaceutical Management | doi:10.4103/0975-1483.51875 Authors: Vinod KR, Sandhya S Nalanda College of Pharmacy, Nalgonda, Andra Pradesh, India Address for correspondence:…