Home J Young Pharm, Vol 8/Issue 2/2016 The Effect of Information Booklets on Family Members’ Satisfaction with Decision Making in an Intensive Care Unit of Malaysia

The Effect of Information Booklets on Family Members’ Satisfaction with Decision Making in an Intensive Care Unit of Malaysia

by [email protected]
Published on:Jan/2016
Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2016; 8(2):128-132
Original Article | doi:10.5530/jyp.2016.2.13

Hamidah Othman1*, Pathmawathi Subramanian2, Noor Azizah Mohd Ali 3, Haszalina Hassan 4, Mainul Haque5

1School of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Campus Gong Badak, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, MALAYSIA.

2Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (UM), 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. 3Department of Critical Care Nursing, Kulliyyah of Nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), 25200, Kuantan, Pahang, MALAYSIA.

4School of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), 21300 Kuala Terengganu, MALAYSIA.

5Professor of the Unit of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Medical Campus, Jalan Sultan Mahmud, 20400 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, MALAYSIA.


Background: To test the effect of information booklets on family members’ satisfaction with decision-making around the care of critically ill patients in an intensive care unit. Design: Quasi-experiment with non-randomized study groups, using a pre and post-test design was used to test the effectiveness of the information booklet. Setting: The study was conducted in a medical center in Malaysia. Subjects: 84 family members of critically-ill patients were conveniently assigned to an intervention group and a control group. Intervention: On admission day after consented, completed pre test questionnaires. The intervention group received information booklet and will be explain between 20-30 min; control group, received routine information if any. Day-2: reinforcement on information about 10-20 min for intervention group only. Day-3: completion of the post-test questionnaire by both groups. Main outcome measures: The Family Satisfaction–Intensive Care Unit (FS-ICU) & Quality of Communication (QOC) instrument were used to measure families’ satisfaction level. Results: There are significant differences in Family Satisfaction between the intervention and control groups. There was an increase in satisfaction across the pre- and post-test mean values, 54.05 (SD=10. 23) and 71.1 (SD=19.10), respectively; a significant increase in family satisfaction for the intervention group who received the information booklets. Conclusion: The study findings confirm that the information booklets results in a substantial increase in family satisfaction regarding decision-making for patients’ care.

Key words: Decision making, Family satisfaction, Information need, Intensive care unit, Structured Communication.