Home Case Reports Cayler Syndrome with Isolated Cleft Palate: Case Report

Cayler Syndrome with Isolated Cleft Palate: Case Report

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Published on:August 2022
Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2022; 14(3):337-338
Case Report | doi:10.5530/jyp.2022.14.66


Elizabeth Jacob*, Cyril Sajan

Department of Pharmacy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth (Deemed to Be University), Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA.


The present study was focused on assessing the clinical Isolated cleft palate is the term used when a cleft occurs only within the palate. In clinical terms it is differentiated from other clefts, affecting the primary palate because it as such doesn’t affect either the alveolar ridge or the perioral musculature. This makes the diagnosis of the cleft, by facial analysis, more challenging, since it is concealed in the palate. Cayler syndrome is an abnormal condition at birth represented by hypoplasia of the depressor angular oris muscle (HDAOM) in an addition to cardiac birth defects. A considerable range of multiple organ system anomalies are also to predicted to be present. Paediatrician must make awareness regarding this minor facial anomaly as it can be related to multiple, cardiac and internal organs abnormalities. I present to you a paediatric rare case of cleft palate which appears to be isolated, along with cayler syndrome. To my knowledge no previous report on situs inverse totalis was reported. Additionally, the patient does not have any major cardiac anomalies associated with the cayler complications.

Keywords: Isolated cleft palate, Cayler syndrome, Palatoplasty, Palatogenesis, Clefting.