Home J Young Pharm. Vol 15/Issue 1/2023 Assessment of Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus among the Rural Population of Erode District of Tamil Nadu, South India

Assessment of Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus among the Rural Population of Erode District of Tamil Nadu, South India

by [email protected]
Research Scholar, Faculty of Pharmacy, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.

Corresponding author.

Correspondence: Prof. Dr. Senthilkumar Palaniappan Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore-641021, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
Received: 16 September 2022; Revised: 04 October 2022; Accepted: 15 October 2022.
Copyright ©2023 Author(s)
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Published in: Journal of Young Pharmacists: 2023; 15(1): 174-181; Published online: 28 December 2022 DOI: 10.5530/097515050532


Background: Knowledge of a disease is an important component of health literacy, that can minimize the mortality and morbidity associated with the problem. Lack of knowledge of a disease leads to the emergence of complications associated with clinical conditions. Hence, a prospective cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge of diabetes mellitus (DM) among the rural residents of Erode district, Tamil Nadu, India. Materials and Methods: The diabetes knowledge was examined using modified version of the Michigan DM questionnaire. The questionnaire includes 10 questions about general DM awareness, diabetic complications, prevention, and control. It also includes information about the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. Results: In the current study, there were 974 individuals participated and completed the study. The findings showed that there is no statistically significant difference in knowledge of DM across different genders, educational levels, or occupation (p=0.470), However, there is a statistically significant difference in age-related knowledge of DM (p=0.006). The majority of the study participants are well known about the disease condition (66.6 %), the best method to monitor blood glucose at home (54.1 %), and complications of diabetes (53.8 %). Whereas, the overall diabetes knowledge was average (46.3 %) to good (40.9 %), with very least have excellent knowledge DM (5.0 %). Conclusion: According to this research, there is no statistically significant variation in gender, educational attainment, or employment situation when it comes to the various age groups understanding of diabetes mellitus. To raise awareness of DM among the general public, there is a need for well-organized educational interventional program(s) that target the weak points.

Keywords: Metabolic disorder, Hyperglycaemia, Patient education, Morbidity, Mortality


Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycaemia which leads to micro and macrovascular complications in the human body. These complications lead to poor quality of life and shortened life expectancy.1,2 The prevalence of individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM), which has increased from 4.7 percent to 8.5 percent since 1980 is estimated to be 422 million worldwide, as per the World Health Organization (WHO).3 In Asian countries, particularly in India and Pakistan, the prevalence of diabetes was discovered to be 8.5% and 6.7%, respectively.4 Diabetes management requires not just the use of medications but also adequate patient disease understanding and healthy self-care practices. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a major non-communicable disease (NCD) that poses a substantial threat to public health around the world. In most cases, diabetes develops into a chronic condition, reducing patient’s quality of life and increasing morbidity and mortality, as well as putting a significant financial burden to the healthcare system and government budget.57

Knowledge of a disease is an important component of health literacy, that can minimize the mortality and morbidity associated with the problem. The diabetes knowledge of the patient and background information of the patient can be used to evaluate a person’s diabetes risk, motivation to seek appropriate medication use and care, and inspiration to manage their disease for the rest of their life. Studies have demonstrated that a lack of understanding of the disease contributes to a poor comprehension of medical and health information. As a result, management measures are only partially followed, which eventually has a negative impact on health outcomes. Differences in knowledge levels have been identified based on educational attainment, gender, and socioeconomic status. Diabetes-related micro- and macrovascular issues, such as diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic neuropathy, are made more likely by poor diabetes treatment.8 Diabetes comorbidities and poor diabetes control place a significant financial burden on individuals, society, and the healthcare system.9,10 According to a number of research, developing and underdeveloped nations have limited awareness of diabetes.11–13 Low levels of diabetes education and understanding of preventative measures have an impact on self-care behaviour and the utilization of available services. As a result, knowledge serves as a foundation for the development of healthy habits. There is evidence that DM self-care-aware patients have improved long-term glycaemic control. Knowing about glycemic control can help people comprehend the hazards of having diabetes and stimulate them to seek the right treatment and caution to keep the illness under control.14 Increasing public awareness of diabetes could lead to better overall health behaviour in society and lower the chance of having diabetes.15,16

For a long time, assessing diabetes knowledge has been a crucial part of evaluating patients with diabetes as a whole. According to a study by Al-Qazaz HK, et al., patients who are better informed about their disease and its complications are more likely to comply with treatment and experience fewer disease-related problems.17 Though there were many studies conducted across the world, still there is a lack of diabetes-related knowledge among the people living in rural areas.18,19 Therefore, research was carried out with an aim to evaluate the levels of knowledge of Type-2 DM among the DM patients of different age group, gender, occupation, and education level in the rural population of Erode district of Tamil Nadu. The results of this study may be used to determine the population’s knowledge gaps and attitudes around diabetes, which will help inform the creation of DM prevention programmes in the nation.


A prospective cross-sectional study was undertaken among the rural population in the Erode district of Tamil Nadu, India. A total of 974 patients who were 18 years of age or older and gave written informed consent to participate in the trial were randomly chosen by utilizing a convenience sample technique. Any mentally ill or cognitively impaired subjects were not allowed to participate in the study.

A modified Michigan’s diabetes knowledge questionnaire was used to evaluate the knowledge on diabetes. The questionnaire consists of 10 topics covering basic diabetes awareness, diabetic complications, and prevention and control of diabetes as well as socio-demographic information about the participants. The survey instrument also contained study materials and a written informed consent form.

Data was acquired from the diabetic population in the rural area of Erode district, Tamil Nadu by utilizing convenience sampling method. Individuals signed a written informed consent form after receiving a thorough explanation of the study project’s aims and objectives prior to the data collection. A face-to-face interview was undertaken to collect the data. Each interview lasted between fifteen and twenty minutes. They were given the chance to express more thoughts on the subject once the interview was over.

In order to analyse the data, SPSS version 26.0 was used. The gathered demographic data were analysed using descriptive studies, and the appropriate applications of the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the student’s t-test were made. When we comparing two groups, the student’s t-test was employed, and when comparing more than two groups, the one-way ANOVA was utilized. This study was approved by institutional ethics committee of Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy, Thiruchengode, Erode via approval number SVCP/IEC/JAN/2021/15.


In this research, the majority of individuals (31.6 %, n= 308) were within a range of 51-60 years old and only a minimum of individuals (2.6 %, n= 25) were less than 30 years old. On the other hand, around 23.0 % (n= 224) were between 61-70 years old and 21.7 % (n=211) were between 41-50 years old and 11.3 % (n=110) of the participants fall 70 years and above. The largest number of study participants received education from higher secondary school level (n=340, 34.9 %) and 27.65 % (n=269) of study participants were illiterate. Whereas 20.8 % (n=203) of the participants received at least primary level education and 16.6 % (n=162) received secondary level education. The largest percentage of study participants were unemployed (52.5 %, n=511), 28.1 %, (n=274) were employed and 19.4 % (n=189) were doing business. Among the participants, around 55.7 % (n=543) were female and the remaining (44.3 %, n=431) were male. In the current research, there were majority of female participants in the age group of 51-60 years (n=178) and 61-70 years (n=135) and majority of males in the age group of 30 years and below (n=14) whereas, males and females were equally distributed in the age range from 31-40 (n=48) years. For the educational level, there were more female participants who were illiterate, primary and higher secondary level. Whereas more male participants were secondary school level. For the occupation level, there are more female participants who were unemployed (n=372). The detailed demographic information is presented in Table 1 and Table 2.

No. Demographic Characteristics Number of Respondents (N) Percentage (%)
Age in Years
1 Up to 30 years 25 2.6
2 31-40 Years 96 9.9
3 41-50 years 211 21.7
4 51-60 years 308 31.6
5 61-70 years 224 23.0
6 Above 70 years 110 11.3
Total 974 100.0
1 Male 431 44.3
2 Female 543 55.7
Total 974 100.0
1 Illiterate 269 27.6
2 Primary 203 20.8
3 Secondary 162 16.6
4 Higher Secondary 340 34.9
Total 974 100.0
1 Business 189 19.4
2 Employed 274 28.1
3 Unemployed 511 52.5
Total 974 100.0
Table 1.
Table 1: Demographic properties of participants (n=974).
No. Demographic Characteristics Male (431) Female (543) Total
N % N % N %
Age in Years
1 Upto 30 years 14 3.2 11 2.0 25 5.3
2 31-40 Years 48 11.1 48 8.8 96 20.0
3 41-50 years 104 24.1 107 19.7 211 43.8
4 51-60 years 130 30.2 178 32.8 308 62.9
5 61-70 years 89 20.6 135 24.9 224 45.5
6 Above 70 years 46 10.7 64 11.8 110 22.5
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 200.0
1 Illiterate 121 28.1 148 27.3 269 55.3
2 Primary 96 22.3 107 19.7 203 42.0
3 Secondary 88 20.4 74 13.6 162 34.0
4 Higher Secondary 126 29.2 214 39.4 340 68.6
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 200.0
1 Business 141 32.7 48 8.8 189 41.6
2 Employed 151 35.0 123 22.7 274 57.7
3 Unemployed 139 32.3 372 68.5 511 100.8
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 200.0
Table 2.
Gender-wise distribution of respondents (n=974).

To evaluate the participants’ general knowledge of diabetes, diabetic complications, prevention, and treatment, a ten-item modified Michigan diabetes knowledge assessment questionnaire was employed. The research showed that, of the 974 study participants, 649 (or 66.6 percent) had heard of diabetes mellitus. Of these, 374 were male and 275 were female. All (100 %) of the study participants answered any one of the organs affected by the high-fat diet. In terms of their knowledge, the majority (n=570; 58.5 %) of the study participants agreed that if they skip breakfast after taking insulin, drastically will decrease the blood glucose level. Among them, a similar percentage of females (59.3 %) and males (57.5 %) agreed with the statement. One hundred and thirty-eight participants (14.2 %) said if they skip breakfast after taking insulin, it will drastically increase their blood glucose level. Two hundred and sixty-six participants (27.3 %) stated that if they skip breakfast after taking insulin, their blood glucose levels remain the same. A total of 291 (53.6 %) females and 236 (54.8 %) males agreed that a blood test is the best method for home glucose testing. However, an equal number of females (n=164; 30.2 %) and males (n=136; 31.6 %) answered that both blood tests and urine tests are equally effective for the best method for home glucose testing.

The majority (n=549; 56.4 %) of the study participants answered that the best way to take care of their feet was washing the wound every day and also protecting them from injuries. Among them (n=301; 55.4) were females and (n=248; 57.5 %) were females. A total of 524(53.8 %) study participants knew about complications of diabetes that kidney, heart, and eyes are affected by DM. Among them, an equal number of (n=287; 52.9 %) were females and (n=237; 55.0 %) were males.

The majority of the study participants (n=479; 49.2 %) stated that numbness and tingling may be the symptoms of nerve disease. Among them, (47.9 % (n=260) were female, 50.8 % (n=219) were male. A total of 457(46.9 %) study participants mentioned that, if the patients feel giddiness or faint immediately, they should take chocolate. Among them, 251(46.2 %) were females, 206 (47.8 %) were males.

A total of 261 (26.8%) respondents mentioned that lung problems are not associated with DM. Among them, 143(26.3%) were females and 118(27.4%) were males. The majority of the respondents (n=452; 46.4%) answered that they should avoid carbohydrate-rich food, among them, 250 (46%) were females and 202(46.9%) were males.

The overall assessment of patients’ knowledge of diabetes revealed that 40.9 % (n=398) of the respondents have good knowledge, 46.3 % (n=451); have average knowledge, however, only 5% (n=49) were having excellent knowledge of diabetes. The particulars are presented in Table 3.

Questions Response Male (431) Female (543) Total
N % N % N %
What is diabetes mellitus? Increase in weight 37 8.6 36 6.6 73 7.5
Decrease in weight 73 16.9 81 14.9 154 15.8
Increase in blood glucose level 275 63.8 374 68.9 649 66.6
None of the above 46 10.7 52 9.6 98 10.1
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
Which organ will be affected by high fat diet? Kidney 99 23.0 90 16.6 189 19.4
Heart 244 56.6 330 60.8 574 58.9
Lungs 44 10.2 61 11.2 105 10.8
Eye 44 10.2 62 11.4 106 10.9
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
If you take your morning insulin but skip breakfast your blood glucose level will be usually Increase 55 12.8 83 15.3 138 14.2
Decrease 248 57.5 322 59.3 570 58.5
Remain the same 128 29.7 138 25.4 266 27.3
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
Which is the best method for home glucose testing Urine test 59 13.7 88 16.2 147 15.1
Blood test 236 54.8 291 53.6 527 54.1
Both is equally good 136 31.6 164 30.2 300 30.8
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
The best way to take care of your feet is to Look at and wash them each day 82 19.0 130 23.9 212 21.8
Protect from injuries 101 23.4 112 20.6 213 21.9
Both 248 57.5 301 55.4 549 56.4
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
What are the complications of diabetes mellitus? Kidney damage 97 22.5 121 22.3 218 22.4
Heart damage 47 10.9 59 10.9 106 10.9
Eye damage 50 11.6 76 14.0 126 12.9
All 237 55.0 287 52.9 524 53.8
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
Numbness and tingling may be the symptoms of Kidney disease 46 10.7 74 13.6 120 12.3
Nerve disease 219 50.8 260 47.9 479 49.2
Liver disease 114 26.5 147 27.1 261 26.8
Eye disease 52 12.1 62 11.4 114 11.7
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
If you feel giddiness or faint immediately you should Do exercise 105 24.4 142 26.2 247 25.4
Lie down and rest 53 12.3 75 13.8 128 13.1
Take insulin 67 15.5 75 13.8 142 14.6
Take chocolate 206 47.8 251 46.2 457 46.9
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
Which of the following is usually not associated with diabetes Vision Problem 185 42.9 243 44.8 428 43.9
Kidney Problem 63 14.6 80 14.7 143 14.7
Lung Problem 118 27.4 143 26.3 261 26.8
Nerve Problem 65 15.1 77 14.2 142 14.6
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
You should avoid the following one Carbohydrate Rich Food 202 46.9 250 46.0 452 46.4
Protein rich food 53 12.3 74 13.6 127 13.0
Fiber rich food 102 23.7 126 23.2 228 23.4
Vitamin rich food 74 17.2 93 17.1 167 17.1
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
Patient Knowledgeable Status Poor 38 8.8 38 7.0 76 7.8
Average 195 45.2 256 47.1 451 46.3
Good 176 40.8 222 40.9 398 40.9
Excellent 22 5.1 27 5.0 49 5.0
Total 431 100.0 543 100.0 974 100.0
Table 3.
Assessment of Knowledge on Diabetes and Participants’ Response (n=974).

The mean scores for both males and females were almost the same, implying that there was no significant difference in knowledge between the males and females (p>0.726). The data are shown in Table 4. ANOVA results show that the knowledge of study participants with different age groups have significant difference (p<0.0006) education level and occupation was no significant difference among the study population. The participants aged 51-60 have the highest mean value of 2.53 with a standard deviation of 0.65 and the participants aged less than 30 have the lowest mean value of 2.12 with a standard deviation of 0.67 (p<0.006). As for the education, the secondary educated level participants have the highest mean value 2.54 with a standard deviation of 0.71 (p=0.126), and for the occupation, those who are self-employed have the highest mean value 2.49 with a standard deviation of 0.74 (p>0.470). The data are presented in Table 5.

Gender N Mean SD t’ Value Sig.
Male 431 2.42 0.72 0.350 0.726
Female 543 2.43 0.69
Table 4.
Independent Sample Test for Knowledge with Different Genders
No. Variables Number Mean SD Sig.
Age in Years 0.006
1 Upto 30 years 25 2.12 0.67
2 31-40 Years 96 2.30 0.74
3 41-50 years 211 2.39 0.73
4 51-60 years 308 2.53 0.65
5 61-70 years 224 2.47 0.73
6 Above 70 years 110 2.35 0.72
Total 974 2.36 0.71
1 Illiterate 269 2.39 0.70 0.126
2 Primary 203 2.45 0.72
3 Secondary 162 2.54 0.71
4 Higher Secondary 340 2.40 0.71
Total 974 2.45 0.71
1 Business 189 2.49 0.74 0.470
2 Employed 274 2.43 0.75
3 Unemployed 511 2.41 0.67
Total 974 2.44 0.72
Table 5.
Results of Questionnaire separated by Age, Education and Occupation


The study investigated the level of type 2 DM awareness among the study population in the rural Erode district. The results shows that there was a statistically remarkable difference in the average knowledge levels across the study participants’ age groups (p=0.006). Results from the recent literature analyzing the relation between age and diabetes knowledge were contradictory.2023 But there were no differences in knowledge that were statistically significant based on gender (p=0.726), education (p=0.126), or occupation (p=0.470). The older patients in this study had more knowledge than the younger participants, and there was statistical significance in the average knowledge of study participants with dissimilar age groups. This result is consistent with earlier research by Palanisamy et al., in which there was a significant difference between the mean knowledge levels of study participants in different age groups and that the younger participants had more knowledge than the older participants with a lower mean value (µ=58.920).24

There is literature evaluating the association between gender and knowledge that found that gender does not play a significant role in DM knowledge.25,26 These findings contradict prior studies by Bharath C, et al., which found that knowledge responses based on gender suggested that male had superior knowledge than female, and a significant difference was noted only for question 2 (p<0.03).27 The level of education was found to be the most important determinant in DM knowledge.28 In a study conducted by Konduru SS et al., knowledge regarding DM was increased in graduates.29 However, in this study, there were no discernible knowledge gaps between participants with various levels of schooling. (p=0.126). This indicates that, regardless of education level, everyone has nearly the same amount of information about DM.

In this study, the occupation showed there was no significant differences in knowledge among the study participants. This finding is consistent with previous studies by Daniel Asmelash et al., where the occupation and educational status showed significant association with the practice towards glycaemic control.30 Considering the rapid spread of diabetes in developing countries and reports of poor knowledge about DM, the evidence suggests that interventions are needed, and patients should be empowered for better self-management of diabetes as it can lead to positive changes in beliefs, increased health information, and improved health care skills. Overall, diabetes management knowledge was lower than risk factor knowledge. Furthermore, health practitioners must educate the rural community about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to raise diabetes awareness and knowledge. Diabetes status, other chronic diseases, physical activity, and ever heard of diabetes may be evaluative determinants towards knowledge of risk factors and diabetes management. The results of this study might not adequately reflect the real knowledge on diabetes among the rural residents of Erode district, India. Unless the respondents have been trained and counselled by health care specialists, the questionnaire should not be tried diligently.


This study concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge of DM among different age groups, whereas the gender of the study participants, education and occupational status of the study participants do not have a significant difference. Diabetic patients are more likely to develop diabetic complications due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the disease. Hence, to prevent diabetes and its complications there is an urgent need for educational campaigns with a prioritized focus on poorer, rural, less educated populations, on proper lifestyle interventions to improve the self-care behaviour of patients. Integrated knowledge on diabetes management should be focused on improving glycaemic control and reducing co-morbidities in this community. Thus, knowledge about diabetes is essential as it correlates with better outcomes leading to improved quality-adjusted life years. An improved and well-structured educational programme(s) that addresses the areas of weakness is recommended to increase the level of knowledge of DM among the general population.


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